What Are The Elements For A Great Dissertation Dedication?

While you are sure to congratulate yourself for completing a thoroughly well researched dissertation, don’t forget to spend some time fine-tuning your dissertation dedication page! It can often be a big challenge when deciding on which individuals have had the most impact on your life through the gruelling process of writing. A perfect dedication in dissertation is a balance between diplomatically including individuals that will play an important part in your future career, and those who have genuinely been a source of support as you made progress in your work.

Below are a few things to keep in mind when approaching the dedication of dissertation:

Checking dissertation dedication examples

The easiest place to start when looking for samples of a dissertation dedication is the online repository or database of your university’s dissertation publications. You can choose to review dissertations from different fields of study and sort them by year. The library will also contain physical copies of theses and dissertations stored written by alumni. Viewing first-hand the kind of language used for a dissertation dedication is a great way to make the exercise less stressful. Jot down some notes on how the dedications are structured and the kind of people that are mentioned.

Choosing people that matter most

Graduate students often struggle with the idea of narrowing down individuals to dedicate their work to, even more so than the actual dissertation! It is important to reflect clearly on people who helped you through challenging phases of the writing process, and single out those that stayed by you during the good and the bad. Your choice could be obvious such as your family members, your partner or your best friend. Someone who choses to include in their dissertation dedication is an extremely personal matter and this will not have any negative impact on the validity of your work.

Naming people in the dedication

After you have handpicked the individuals that deserve a mention in your dissertation dedication page, you also need to figure out how you will state their name. It could be an informal nickname to identify your close relationship with the person, or a very formal title, which could be reserved for a mentor or your academic advisor. Depending on personal preference, you can address a person as Mr. or Ms. or even use their first name if appropriate.

Sharing the reasoning behind your choice

Dissertation dedication quotes involve persons who have played a significant part in your life, not only during the writing of the dissertation but throughout your educational journey. The decision to include or not to include someone is entirely subjective and varies from person to person. For instance, if you choose to mention your sister, you can keep the dedication simple such as “I am so grateful for her unwavering support and guidance” or include a private joke to lighten the mood! Each type of dedication holds a unique appeal and there is no right or wrong here.

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Use all your skills and knowledge to write the work of the highest quality, and don’t forget to proofread it several times. If you have any troubles, ask your supervisor for help or go online and search for assistance there – you will always get it if you need it.

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